1. We value the biblical gospel, the right understanding and application as taught in Scripture.
  1. We value the pure and unadulterated Word of God, as the source of life, wisdom, doctrine, and the sound preaching and teaching of it in all our services and ministries and fellowships.
  1. We value the spiritual disciplines of a believer’s life – prayer as personal devotion to our Lord, and the reading, meditation, study and application of the Word of God.
  1. We value intercessory prayer as an expression of our total trust in our God for our church and it’s ministries.
  1. We value the mandate of our Lord for discipleship, walking as a disciple and of making disciples.
  1. We value worship, both as a believer’s way of life and as expressed through God-centered songs in our worship services.
  1. We value the work of the Holy Spirit in His empowering, leading and gifting of believers in life and service.
  1. We value biblical fellowship, to encourage and build up one another in the local church.
  1. We value the biblical standard and practice of church leadership, as seen in the appointing of elders and deacons according to biblical qualifications, submission to these leaders, and church discipline.  We also value the biblical concept of being accountable to one another in life and doctrine.